Mayssoon دشاش
المؤهلات العلمية:
2016 - Now: Msc student in medical education, University of Dundee.UK
2015: PgCert in medical education, University of Dundee. UK
2005 - 2007: MFDS RCS(Ed) Membership of the Royal College of Surgeon of Edinburgh, Royal College of Surgeon of Edinburgh
2001 - 2005: Ph.D in Paediatric Dentistry, The University of Manchester, School of Dentistry
1995 - 1997: MSc Master in Paediatric Dentistry (with an excellent grade), Faculty of Dentistry, Damascus University
1993 - 1995: Dip(Pead) Diploma in Paediatric Dentistry (with an excellent grade), Faculty of Dentistry, Damascus University
1988 - 1993: D.D.S, Doctor of Dental Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, Damascus University
البرامج الأكاديمية:
المقررات العلمية:
MedE.MEP - مشروع الماجستير
MedE.CPME - تصميم المناهج في التعليم الطبي والتوجهات الحديثة
MedE.MCMT - قياس كفاءات الفريق الطبي
MedE.LME - الإدارة والقيادة الإدارية في التعليم الطبي
MedE.MEE - بيئة التعلم الطبي
MedE.MM - التوجيه الطبي (اللغة الإنكليزية)
MNE.Med - طب
MedE.CPME - تصميم المناهج في التعليم الطبي والتوجهات الحديثة
MedE.MCMT - قياس كفاءات الفريق الطبي
MedE.LME - الإدارة والقيادة الإدارية في التعليم الطبي
MedE.MEE - بيئة التعلم الطبي
MedE.MM - التوجيه الطبي (اللغة الإنكليزية)
MedE.MEP - مشروع الماجستير
الخبرات الأكاديمية:
General Director of Measurement and Evaluation in Higher Education, Syrian Arab Republic
2012-present Associate Professor in the Faculty of Dentistry, Damascus University
المنشورات العلمية:
النشر العلمي :
Some publications (basically in medical sciences, immunology, genetics, medical problems, medical education, health informatics, measurement and evaluation, world ranking and quality assurance)
الأبحاث العلمية :
Ballouk M and Dashash M. Caries prevalence and dental health of 8-12 year-old children in Damascus city in Syria during the Syrian Crisis; a cross-sectional epidemiological oral health survey. BMC Oral Health. 2019 Jan 15;19(1):16. doi: 10.1186/s12903-019-0713-9
Ballouk M and Dashash M. The gingival health status of 8–12 year-old children in Damascus city in Syria during the Syrian Crisis: a cross-sectional epidemiological oral health survey. BMC Res Notes (2018) 11:887
Hamid S, Dashash M.The impact of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder on Dental and Gingival Status of Children during Syrian Crisis: A Preliminary Study. Journal of Investigative and Clinical Dentistry J Investig Clin Dent. 2018
Al Bardaweel S, Dashash M. E-learning or educational leaflet: does it make a difference in oral health promotion? A clustered randomized trial. BMC Oral Health. 2018 May 10;18(1):81
Dashash M, Al-Jazar N. Timing and sequence of emergence of permanent teeth in Syrian schoolchildren. Journal of investigative and clinical dentistry. J Investig Clin Dent. 2018 May;9(2):e12311. doi: 10.1111/jicd.12311
Al-Hilfi T, Dashash M. Evidence Based- Medical Education and Accreditation in Emergency Situation-Iraq. American Journal of Health Research (Submitted,2017)
Al-Mouslli H, Dashash M. Through the Eye of the Beholder: Oral Health- Related Quality of Life of Children with Traumatic Dental Injuries during the Syrian Crisis. Tishreen University Journal for Research and Scientific Studies - Health Sciences Series, 2016; 38 (4): 225-235
Latifeh Y, Dashash M. A Critical Analysis and a Suggested Reform of Psychiatric Curriculum in Medical Faculties during Syrian Crisis. American Journal of Health Research, Special issue: Medical Education in Emergency, 2016; 4(6-1): 12-18
Dashash M. Identifying and Assessing Competencies for an Entry Level Graduate in The Faculty of Dentistry, Damascus University: Approaches, Lessons Learned and Evidence Provided, International Journal of Current Medical and Pharmaceutical Research, 2016; 2,9, 708-711
Alkhatib B, Dashash M, Omar K. Plagiarism Detection in Medical Research Using Medical Ontology Tishreen University Journal for Research and Scientific Studies - Engineering Sciences Series Vol. (38) No. (1) 2016
Omar K, Alkhatib B, Dashash M. Plagiarism Detection in Arabic Using Translation and Medical Ontology, International Journal of Current Medical and Pharmaceutical Research Sciences, 2016: 2, 648-653
Dashash M, Omar K. CRISIS Criteria for Effective Continuous Education in Traumatic Dental Injuries during Syrian Crisis. American Journal of Health Research, Special issue: Medical Education in Emergency, 2016; 4(6-1): 1-6
Omar K, Alkhatib B, Dashash M, Alhassan F. The Implementation of Using Medical Ontologies in Plagiarism Detection, International Review on Computers and Software (IRECOS), 2016. 11(3), pp. 232-238
Alshiekhly U, Arrar R, Barngkgei I, Dashash M. Facebook as a Learning Environment for Teaching Medical Emergencies in Dental Practice. Education for Health, 2015; 28:176-80
Dashash M. Community-Oriented Medical Education: Bringing Perspectives to Curriculum Planners in Damascus University, Education for Health 26(2), 2013, 130-132
Dashash M, Yeung CA, Jamous I, Blinkhorn A. Interventions for the restorative care of amelogenesis imperfecta in children and adolescents. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013 Jun 6; 6:CD007157
Dak-Albab, R.J. , Dashash, M.A. The influence of socioeconomic status on oral health-related quality of life among Syrian children with cleft lip, or palate, or both. Saudi Medical Journal 34,(2), 2013, 181-186
Omar, K.a, Alkhatib, B.a, Dashash, M. The implementation of plagiarism detection system in health sciences publications in Arabic and English languages. International Review on Computers and Software. 8 (4)2013, 915-919
ALahmar R. Dashash. An Evaluation of Medication Knowledge of Dentists in Damascus city, Damascus University Journal for Health Sciences, 29( 2) 2013, 439-449
David A. Parry, Steven J. Brooks, Clare V. Logan, James A. Poulter, El-Sayed W Al-Bahlani S, Al Harasi S, Sayed J, El Raïf M , Roger C. Shore, M, Dashash M, Martin J. Barron, Joanne E. Morgan, Ian M. Carr, Graham R. Taylor, Colin A. Johnson, Michael J. Aldred, Michael J. Dixon, J. Tim Wright, Jennifer Kirkham, Chris F. Inglehearn, Alan J. Mighell. Mutations in C4orf26 Cause Amelogenesis Imperfecta and Identify a Novel Peptide with in vitro Hydroxyapatite Nucleation Activity. American Journal of Human Genetics, 2012 7;91(3):565-71
Jaghasi I, Hatahet W, Dashash M. Dietary Patterns and Oral Health in Schoolchildren from Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic, East Mediterr Health J 18,4, 2012. 358-364
Dashash M, Blinkhorn M. The Dental Health of 5 Year Old Children Living in Damascus, Syria, Community Dental Health, 2012, 29(3), 209-213
Takriti M, Dashash M Craniofacial Parameters of Syrian Children with Beta-Thalassemia Major. Journal of investigative and clinical dentistry, 2011,2;1-9
Dashash M. Bazrafshani R, Poulton K, Jaber S, Naeem E, Blinkhorn AS. Enamelin /Ameloblastin gene polymorphisms in autosomal amelogenesis imperfecta among Syrian families, Journal of investigative and clinical dentistry, 2010,1; 1-7
Takriti M, Dashash M. A comparison between Thalassemic Patients and normal controls in terms of dimensions of the dental arch. Damascus University Journal for Medical Sciences 2010, (In press)
Dashash M. Youssef M. Dental education in Damascus University: a critical analysis and a suggested road map for accreditation, proceeding in the International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Spain, 5-7 July, 2010
Dashash M. Arab universities: information management for better world ranking the policy is: writing right for your website. Conference Proceeding in the International Conference of Higher Education, Lebanon, 2010
Dashash M, Gleeny A.M, Drucker DB, Hutchinson IV, Blinkhorn AS ‘IL-1 Receptor Antagonist For Treating Periodontitis’. Cochrane Library 2009, issue1
Dashash M. Yousef M. Does the Level of Knowledge Delivered in 'English in Dentistry' affect the Quality of Future Dental Education? Conference Proceeding in the International Conference for Education, Research and Innovation, Spain, 2009
Kayyal M and Dashash M. The Participatory Approach in the Reform of Academic Curricula – Case Study of the Faculty of Dentistry at Damascus University – Syria. The Arab Regional Conference on Higher Education(ARCH+10), UNESCO Regional report, June 2009
Dashash M, Blinkhorn F, Blinkhorn AS. IL-10 Gene Polymorphisms, Periodontal Disease and Intrauterine Growth Restriction; A Pilot Study. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education. 2009. 47(3):79-88
Dashash M, Sbenati A, Yeung A, Blinkhorn AS. Interventions for the restorative care of amelogenesis imperfecta in children and adolescents Cochrane Library 2009, issue1
Dashash M, Nugent J, Baker P, Tansinda D, Blinkhorn F. –174 Interleukin-6 Genotype, Periodontal Disease and adverse pregnancy outcomes A Pilot Study. Journal of Clinical Immunology. 2008. May;28(3):237-43
Nugent J L, Dashash M, Blinkhorn F, Tansinda D, Baker PN. Periodontal disease is not associated with poor pregnancy outcome. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education 45(4), 2007-107-110
Dashash M, Drucker DB, Hutchinson IV, Bazrafshani MR, Blinkhorn AS. Interleukin -1 receptor antagonist gene polymorphism and gingivitis in children. Oral Diseases. 2007 13(3):308-13
Dashash M, Pravica V, Hutchinson IV, Barson AJ, Drucker DB. Association of sudden infant death syndrome with VEGF and IL-6 gene polymorphisms. Human Immunology. 2006; 67(8): 627-33
Dashash M, Drucker DB, Blinkhorn AS. Interleukin-10 haplotype frequencies in children with gingivitis. The Journal of Periodontology. 2006 Sep; 77(9):1503-9
Dashash M, Blinkhorn AS Hutchinson IV, Pravica V, Drucker DB‘ The Relationship between IL-10 Gene Polymorphism at Position –1082 and Susceptibility to Gingivitis in Children’. The Journal of Periodontology, 2005; 76(9) 1423-1430
Dashash M. The relation between protein energy malnutrition and gingival status in children. East Mediterr Health J. 2000 Mar-May; 6(2-3):507-10. Arabic