SVU Telecenters
- The Syrian Virtual University Telecenters are the centres accredited by the University to provide places for their students to do their quarterly exams.
- Our centers are located in most Syrian governorates and in many Arab and foreign countries. We always thrive to increase their outreach in order to be closer to our students.
- Telecenters provide students with the opportunity to submit their examinations from any place they are in without having to go to a single, central examination center.
- The centers are characterized by strict monitoring mechanisms which guarantee the credibility of the university examinations. This includes two types of monitoring: local monitoring within each center conducted by accredited local observers and remote control monitoring by computer software to control the computers from which exams are takenin addition to surveillance cameras covering each center. These cameras are followed up by accredited observers on the site of the central exam control within the University Center in Damascus to follow up on the reality of online tests and recording them moment by moment at all access centers.
- The internal centers located in the Syrian governorates enable the student to receive the identification papers he has requested through the electronic application system from the nearest center.