Executive Instructions for Legislative Decree No. 125 of 2020

Executive Instructions for Legislative Decree No. 125 of 2020

Since the registration opportunities exhaustion system in the Syrian Virtual University differs from that one applied by the rest of the Syrian public universities which are subject to the Universities Regulation Act, Presidential Decree No. 125 of 2020 will be implemented according to the following:


Article One: University and institute undergraduate students who have exhausted and used up their registration opportunities at the university, from term S10 until 05/28/2020, and students who will be exhausted after this date are allowed to register again in their programs in exchange for paying double the course installments paid by their course mates according to their status within the study plan for each program. It is not permissible for the student who benefits from the provisions of this article to remain registered at the university for an additional period that exceeds the same period of study according to each program, in addition to the year in which he/she exhausted their registration opportunities and this is for one time only, as follows:


The additional time period after the student’s registration exhaustion

Degrees in which the study duration after obtaining high school degree is 5 years

6 years

Degrees in which the study duration after obtaining high school degree is 4 years

5 years

Degrees in which the study duration is 3 years(institutes promotion)

4 years

Degrees in which the study duration is two years(institutes promotion)


Technical institutes in which study duration is two years

3 years



Article Two: EDUC program students who exhausted their registration opportunities at the university from term S19 to term S20 inclusive are granted two terms- F20 and S21- to register for all their remaining courses. Thus, the student can register for all courses in F20 term regardless of precedents. In the event of failure in these courses, students can register for these courses in term S21 provided that they finish their studies in term S21, the last term before this program is permanently closed in F21.


Article Three: Students of closed programs (BIT - BSCE - ISE) who exhausted their registration opportunities at the university from term S10 until 05/28/2020 and students who will be exhausted after this date are granted registration again in their programs in exchange for paying double the course installments paid by their course mates according to their status within the study plan of each program, provided that they finish their studies by F25 term, the last term before these programs are permanently closed.


Article Four: Students covered in the first, second and third articles shall pay twice the courses installments only and university fees remain the same according to the price of the subject’s installment in the term of registration based on the provisions of this decision.


Article Five: Students of EDUC program, Qualification and Specialization Master programs, and Web Sciences Master program, who exhausted their registration opportunities  from term S19 to term S20 inclusive, are granted two terms- F20 and S21- to register for all their remaining courses. Thus, the student can register for all courses in F20 term regardless of the precedents, and in case of failure in these courses, registration for them can take place in term S21.


Article Six: Students of Master's programs (Qualification and Specialization - Postgraduate Studies) covered in the fifth article and students who have been exhausted before obtaining approval for a research plan are granted additional terms designated for registration for the thesis or graduation project after completing their courses, so that students are given an academic term for graduation projects or theses that span over a term, and are given three terms for theses and projects that span over two terms.


Article Seven: Students who exhausted their registration opportunities shall register in Master’s programs (Qualification and Specialization - Postgraduate Studies) before obtaining an approval for a research plan, starting from term F20.


Article Eight: Students covered in the fifth, sixth and seventh articles shall pay twice the course installments only, and university fees remain the same, according to the price of the subject’s installments in the term of registration based on the provisions of this decision.

Article Nine: Every student who registered for the thesis before the date of 1/3/2019 (i.e. from f18 term and earlier) in the (DP - MTM - MQM - MWS - MBA academic) program, whatever his status (whether in the basic stage, extension or suspension of registration or the period that was given to him/her by the Decree of the Exhausted) is awarded a calendar year in addition to the period specified in the laws and regulations in force. This applies to the student who has obtained a decision with a title and a research plan and paid twice the extension amount, in addition to the registration fee and the annual fee.


Article Ten: The ninth article does not cover a Master's student in the thesis stage who was dismissed for disciplinary reasons.


Article Eleven: General Provisions:

1. The student who exhausted his/her registration opportunities and is covered in the provisions of the Decree does not retain the student’s coursework activity mark, and courses must be fully registered for- assignments and exam incl.
2. The decision applies to all Virtual University students inside and outside Syria.
3. Students who are registration exhausted and covered in the provisions of this decision lose their right to participate in the Decree term unless they register during the terms specified above.
4. Students of postgraduate Master's programs that have been canceled do not benefit from the provisions of this decision.

Article Twelve: Military students are treated according to the decisions in force at the university.