PHD in Administration

PHD in Administration
  • About the program
  • Program rules
  • Program courses
  • Academic staff

Internal regulations of PHD program

Executive regulations of PHD program ​


Program Goals

The program aims to qualify researchers who are capable of analyzing problems and developing appropriate solutions in the sectors related to management / technology, quality and business /. This enables the researcher to follow up on the latest developments in management / technology - quality - business / and to create new knowledge that allows companies working in related fields to develop their technologies and enhance their role at all levels: local, national, regional and global.

The program covers different research areas in the field of management / technology - quality - business /, which are defined by the Council of Scientific affairs at the beginning of each new academic year.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the PhD thesis, the student is expected to possess a set of knowledge, skills and values, in particular:

  1. Knowledge and Understanding
  1. Distinguishing between appropriate research methodologies in their specialty.
  2. Knowing the latest developments and innovations in the field of their thesis.
  3. Classifying the mechanisms for developing solutions, studying their effectiveness and evaluating their impact on complex environments.
  4. Understanding the impact of values ​​and ethics in science related to their specialty.
  5. Classifying scientific journals and conferences that publish the latest scientific developments in their specialty.


   B.Intellectual Abilities:

  1. Analyzing problems and developing solutions.
  2. Creating new knowledge.
  3. Developing creative ideas within the modern trends in their area of ​​competence.


C.Practical Skills:

  1. Evaluating the work of others.
  2. Selecting appropriate methods to document the results of his/ her research.
  3. Choosing the appropriate techniques to display his/ her work.
  4. working to secure funding sources for the development and application of the creative ideas.
  5. Participating in national, regional and international forums and working on marketing the results of his/ her research.


D.General transferable skills:

  1. Continuing the search for the latest developments and innovations in the field of specialization.
  2. Constantly working to develop themselves.
  3. Documenting the results of his/ her research and discussing them in international forums.
  4. Forming and leading teams.
  5. Using appropriate language and terminology

Courses list: 

study plan

  1. The student shall prepare a research plan for the doctoral dissertation under the supervision of a supervisor and a co-supervisor, if any, according to a form determined by the Council of Scientific Affairs.
  2. The Scientific Committee evaluates the research plan based on the report of the plan and the oral presentation made by the student before the committee in the presence of the supervisor.
  3. After the approval of the Scientific Committee, the research plan is presented to the Supervisory Committee along with the opinion of the Scientific Committee. The Supervisory Committee has the right to summon the student to ask him/her about the dissertation specifics.
  4. The University Council shall confirm the student’s doctoral registration after the approval of both the Scientific and the Supervisory Committees of the plan. The registration decision shall be issued by the President of the University.
  5. The follow up and supervision shall be conducted by the supervisor of the research through monthly guidance meetings (at least one monthly meeting), through face-to-face meetings or through the system of synchronized sessions recognized by the university with the need to record all meetings and digitally document them. The recorded sessions should be uploaded within a maximum of two weeks of being recorded to be adopted as part of the dissertation. The defense of the dissertation shall not be accepted without submitting monthly recordings of the meetings and considering them as part of the required documents.
  6. The University Council may assign a PhD student to pursue a number of scientific activities necessary to complete his/ her qualification based on the proposal of the supervisor of the doctoral research. These activities may include taking part in teaching courses or seminars and participating in conferences or scientific activities.

PhD dissertation:

  1. The thesis shall be completed under the supervision of a faculty member or their equivalent or a specialist approved by the Council of Scientific Affairs with a doctorate degree at the rank of at least an Assistant Professor.
  2. Another supervisor, approved by the Council of Scientific Affairs, may participate in the supervision.
  3. The doctoral dissertation shall be written in Arabic, and the student has the right to prepare it in English after the approval of the Council of Scientific Affairs providing that it is attached with a sufficient abstract in Arabic.
  4. The student shall submit a study to the university to approve the research plan at the end of each academic year before the scientific committee, in which he/ she presents the state of progress of the research and this requires the attendance of the student in person. The scientific committee shall submit periodic reports on the status of the doctoral program students to the supervisory committee for a follow-up and submission of appropriate proposals to the Board of Trustees for the development of the scientific research system.
  5. The student shall have full responsibility for the conduct of his / her research and the following-up of communication with the supervisor.
  6. After the completion of the doctoral dissertation, the supervisor, and the co-supervisor, if any, shall submit a detailed report on the dissertation to the Scientific Committee indicating the validity of the dissertation to be presented to the Jury Committee.
  7. The Scientific Committee shall adopt its decision regarding the validity of the dissertation for arbitration based on the dissertation report and interim progress reports and studies of the student and the supervisor.
  8. A committee of specialists or experts in the field of the dissertation shall be composed of at least five members of PhD holders, one of whom is the supervisor. The number of the members should be odd and at least two of them should be rapporteurs with no less than a rank of an assistant professor or a chair researcher from the universities of the country or any Arab or foreign university, in addition to, at least, one member of the Scientific Committee.
  9. Each rapporteur shall submit a report on the validity of the dissertation for discussion, the date of which is to be set after receiving two positive reports.
  10. All reports shall be submitted to the Council of Scientific Affairs for decision and approval by the University Council.
  11. The dissertation shall be discussed in a publically announced open hearing, of which the Vice-president for Scientific Affairs is notified two weeks prior to the meeting.
  12. The Jury Committee shall evaluate the dissertation in accordance with the rules set by the University Council upon the proposal of the Council of Scientific Affairs. The student shall be considered to have succeeded in the dissertation on the basis of one of the positions approved in the University Regulation Act.
  13. The Jury Committee may give a period of no more than three months starting from the date of the discussion for amendments (if necessary)..
  14. The student shall not be awarded a Ph.D. degree and his/ her registration shall be cancelled if the Committee does not approve of the amendments requested of him/ her within less than three months after the discussion, and if he/ she does not implement the amendments.
  15. After the final discussion, the Jury Committee shall prepare a record containing the student’s final agreed-upon result according to the university's assessment system, and submit it to the specialized councils for approval. Attached to the record are the reports of the two rapporteur members.
  16. The student's registration shall be suspended and his/her program registration shall be cancelled in case a decision on the validity of the dissertation for arbitration is not issued within the maximum period allowed in the program, without refunding any fees or installments.

Tutors list: