
Iyad Hatem


Ph.D. in Biological Engineering 2003 Major: Pattern classification and image analysis University of Missouri - USA

Programs list: 


Courses list: 

ISE.PR2 - Project_II
ISE.IMP - Image Processing
ITE.AIP601 - Digital Image Processing (in English)
BIT.ITC100 - Discrete Mathematics
ISE.SM - Simulation and Modeling

Academic experience: 

Image Processing
Computer Vision
Computer Graphics
Data Structure and algorithms
C++ Programming
Programming Applications by Matlab
Object Oriented Programming ( by java & C#)
Logic Programming
Signal Processing
Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks
Numerical Analysis
Discrete Mathematics
Modeling and Simulation


Jbeily, Thanaa, Mothanna Alkubeily, and Iyad Hatem, 2015. “A New Symmetric-Object Oriented Approach for Motion Estimation in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks”.International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)4.11, pp. 1329-1337.
Jbeily, Thanaa, Mothanna Alkubeily, Iyad Hatem, 2015. “An Effcient Adaptation of Edge Feature-Based Video Processing Algorithm for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Net-works”. International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology 3.3,pp. 156-166
Jbeily, Thanaa, Mothanna Alkubeily, and Iyad Hatem, 2014. “A study with Evaluation of DCT-based Image Fusion Techniques in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks”. Journal of Tishreen University .
Hatem, Iyad. , 2013. “Detection of Femoral Head Area in Ultrasound Hip Images by using Digital Image Processing Techniques”, Tishreen University Journal,(in press).
Hatem, I. and H. Hliwa, 2013. “Tracking of pedestrian center of gravity by using image processing techniques”, Tishreen University Journal, Vol. 35(6), 2013. pp. 155-172.
Hatem, Iyad. , 2010. “Liquid level detection by Hough transform in glass bottle images”, Tishreen University Journal, Vol. 32(1), 2010. pp. 155-168.
Hatem, I. and J. Tan, 2010. "Image Analysis", Book chapter in the Encyclopedia of Agricultural , Food and Biological Engineering, 2Ed. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York. 19 October 2010: 847- 853
Liu, X., J. Tan, B. Smith, and I. Hatem, 2004. Image Processing of Hematoxylin and Eosin-Stained Tissues for Pathological Evaluation. Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods. Vol. 14( 5), 2004. pp.301 – 307. Taylor & Francis
Hatem, I. and J. Tan, 2003. "Image Analysis", Encyclopedia of Agricultural , Food and Biological Engineering. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York. August 2003: 517 – 523.
Hatem, I. and J. Tan, 2003. Cartilage Segmentation in Vertebra Images. Transaction of the ASAE. Vol. 46(5), 2003. pp. 1429–1434.
Liu, X., J. Tan, B. Smith, and I. Hatem, 2003. Image Processing of Perl's Prussian Blue Stained Tissue for Pathological Evaluation. Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods. Vol. 13( 3), Jul-Sept 2003. pp.213 – 220. Taylor & Francis
Kupongsak, S., J. Tan, I. Hatem, W. Lu, B. Gutherie, M. Tanoff, 2003. Set Point Determination from Sensory Data for Food Process Control. Journal of Food Process Engineering. Vol.27( 2), June 2004. Food and Nutrition Press, Inc., CT.
Hatem, I. and J. Tan,2002. Determination of Animal Skeletal Maturity by Image Processing. Journal of Meat Science. Vol.65( 3), November 2003. pp. 999-1004(6).
Hatem, I. and S. Astour,2005. “Science and Technology for Human Development and the Role of Arabic Woman.” A paper submitted and lectured at the Conference of Arabic Woman and Science and Technology. Cairo, Egypt, 2005.